Constipation- Alternative Treatment

If your body were a team, your gut would be the star member. It makes sure everything goes according to plan, much like the conductor in a musical group. Because the gut is like the “boss” that controls our entire health, we frequently discuss how important it is to have a healthy gut. Constipation now plays a significant role in this health story, subtly revealing information about our body’s condition. Let’s investigate the many insights that constipation, as our body’s messenger, might offer regarding our health journey.

What is Constipation?

If you find yourself not going to the bathroom regularly, maybe less than once every three days, and when you do, it takes a while, feels uncomfortable, and the poop is too hard or dry, you might be dealing with constipation.

Constipation is a problem with passing stool. Constipation generally means passing fewer than three stools a week or having a difficult time passing stool.

How Your Body Makes Poop: A Simple Guide

Understanding the journey from ingestion to elimination sheds light on the complexity of how our body produces and expels stool, commonly referred to as poop

This complex procedure consists of several stages:

1-The ingestion: Food and drink intake triggers the start of digestion, which occurs when the substance is passed down the esophagus and partially broken down in the stomach.

2. Small Intestine Digestion:  Pancreatic enzymes and liver bile aid in further digestion in the small intestine, where nutrients are broken down for bloodstream absorption.

3. Absorption of Water and Nutrients: As the material passes through the small intestine, water is absorbed, solidifying the residual substance.

4. Feces Formation in the Colon: As soon as the excrement enters the colon, water is still absorbed and helpful bacteria help ferment the undigested carbs into gasses and fatty acids.

5. Stool Formation and Compaction: The material is compressed into solid feces by the absorbed water in the colon, which then moves toward the rectum by peristalsis.

6-Storage in the Rectum: Forming feces is kept in the rectum until it is time for a bowel movement.

7-Beginning of Bowel Movement: When the rectum is filled, stretch receptors send a signal to the brain, causing the anal sphincters to relax and allow for regulated transit.

8-Elimination: When a person defecates, coordinated muscle movements help the feces pass through the anus.

This coordinated physiological dance guarantees effective removal of waste and extraction of nutrients. Constipation can result from disruptions such as inadequate fiber intake or dehydration.

Causes of Constipation

Constipation causes fall into three general categories: primary, congenital, and secondary.

PRIMARY Cause of Constipation

There are three forms of primary constipation that are either directly related to intestinal problems or have an unknown cause:

  1. Normal Transit Constipation: People have constipation, but their bowel motions happen regularly and their stool consistency is normal. Pain and bloating in the abdomen are possible symptoms.
  2. Slow Transit Constipation: This uncommon condition, which mostly affects middle-aged females, is brought on by a lack of regular bowel movement (peristalsis) after eating. Food passes through the digestive system more slowly as a result, which results in infrequent bowel motions.
  3. Outlet Constipation: This condition, which results from dysfunction of the pelvic floor muscles, makes it difficult to pass feces. Damage to the muscles or nerves of the pelvic floor can result from pregnancy and childbirth, among other things. Constraints and delayed bowel motions are among the symptoms.

Secondary Constipation Causes:

   External factors or underlying medical issues are often linked to secondary constipation. Typical secondary causes include the following:

   Medications: Some drugs, including opioids, aluminum-containing antacids, and some antidepressants, can make you constipated.

   Medical Conditions: Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diabetes, and hypothyroidism, diabetes, depression , inflammatory bowel disease, some vitamins or mineral

deficiency , food allergies etc are among the illnesses that can cause constipation.

   Dehydration:A low fluid intake might lead to firm, dry stools, which can make you constipated.

   Constipation can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle, a lack of physical activity, and a refusal to give in to the urge to urinate.

Congenital Causes

   When someone is born with a disorder that affects their ability to move their bowels, it is referred to as congenital constipation. Important natal causes consist of:

– Hirschsprung’s Disease: A congenital disorder characterized by the absence of some colon nerve cells, which makes it difficult to pass feces.

   – Anorectal Malformations: Normal bowel motions may be impeded by structural abnormalities in the rectum or anus.

   – Neurological Disorders: The nerves regulating bowel function may be affected by a number of congenital neurological diseases.

For the purpose of correctly identifying and treating constipation in individuals, as well as customizing therapy techniques, it is important to understand both secondary and congenital reasons.

Signs and Symptoms of Constipation

– Infrequent bowel movements (less than three times per week)

– Straining during bowel movements

– Hard or dry stools

– Feeling of incomplete evacuation

– Abdominal discomfort and bloating

– Rectal blockage sensation

– Bloating and gas

– Decreased appetite

– General malaise

– Rectal bleeding in severe cases


AYURVEDA Treatment for Constipation

The holistic philosophy of Ayurveda places a strong emphasis on maintaining balance between the body, mind, and spirit. It’s among the world’s most respected and esteemed medical traditions.

Three distinct doshas, or types of energy operating within the body, are described by AyurvedaTrusted Source. All three doshas are present in every individual, but one is often prominent. The features, vulnerabilities related to health, and body type of an individual are manifestations of their dominant dosha.

The three doshas are briefly summarized as follows:

Vata: a kind of energy connected to air, space, and movement

Pitta:a form of energy connected to fire, water, and metabolism

Kapha: a form of energy connected to the soil, water, and body structure

These doshas work together to control bodily processes. A mismatch between them leads to sickness, dysfunction, or illness.

Constipation is explained by Ayurvedic medicine as an imbalance in the vata dosha, which is centered in the colon

Ayurvedic Constipation Laxatives:

1. Triphala:

Emblica officinalis, Terminalia bellerica, and Terminalia chebula combined for medicinal purposes.

– Reduced symptoms of constipation in research.

– Available as a liquid extract, tablet, or powdered.

2. Senna:

– Over-the-counter laxative with FDA approval.

– Has sennosides that stimulate the lining of the bowel to relieve constipation.

– Generally accepted to be safe for both adults and kids to use briefly.

3. Herbolax from Himalaya:

Haritaki and trivruth are included for their laxative properties.

– Well-known for having anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities.

– Traditional use suggests that this product is effective; youngsters should use carefully.

Important Information:

Senna is not advised for people with specific medical disorders since it can result in diarrhea and stomach pains.

The efficacy of Himalaya Herbolax is determined by each of its constituent substances.

– Senna may cause a decrease in potassium levels when combined with other herbal laxatives.

– Seek advice from medical specialists at all times, particularly for minors or people with particular medical issues.

Ayurvedic Methods for Treating Constipation:


Five purification procedures make up the Ayurvedic cleansing protocol known as panchakarma.

A panchakarma basti entails using medicinal enemas to cleanse the colon.

Usually, ghee or oil-based herbal mixtures are used in enemas.

Nema Precautions:

Although they are generally safe, emmenagogues should be used carefully.

To minimize dangers, Ayurvedic practitioners advise professional administration.

Overuse of enemas might disrupt the body’s normal elimination process.

Extended Usage:

Basti in panchakarma is usually used as a transient or seasonal remedy.

Subject to specific circumstances and scenarios, long-term use may be taken into consideration.

Ayurvedic Massage:

Therapeutic full-body massages using medicated oils are incorporated into Ayurveda.

Massages of the abdomen and colon have been found to be beneficial in treating constipation.

beneficial for those with multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, stroke, and opioid prescription users, among other illnesses.


Care should be taken when administering enemas to avoid damaging the rectal area.

Risks associated with commercially available enemas include electrolyte imbalance and water intoxication.

Ayurvedic massage has been shown to improve a variety of medical issues as well as overall quality of life.

Ayurvedic Yoga:

some yoga poses that are suggested for bowel movement.

consists of the

 Half Spine Twist,

Triangle Stretch,

Cobra, and other poses.

These Ayurvedic techniques encourage equilibrium, warmth, hydration, and general well-being in an effort to alleviate constipation.

Homeopathic treatment for constipation


This treatment is recommended for constipation accompanied by big, dry feces that are difficult to pass and stick or tear when the rectum feels dry. The person is irritable or uneasy, and they can be stressed out over work-related issues.

Carbonaceous calcium

Individuals in need of this medication frequently report feeling more stable during constipation and experiencing weariness and discomfort after passing gas. Big stools are initially solid, then gooey, and finally liquid. When sick or overworked, the person may have clammy hands and feet, feel cold and lethargic, crave sweets, and feel weak and nervous.


This treatment might be useful if passing stool causes a lot of agonizing straining. An attempt may cause the person’s face to flush, and standing up may result in greater success. The stool will be mucus-filled and thin when it eventually comes out.


This medication treats constipation without the need for extreme measures, large, dry stools, a heaviness in the lower belly, and burning and itching in the anus.

The Lycopodium

A person in need of this cure frequently has indigestion, gas, and bloating, along with several intestinal issues. Taking a warm drink or massaging the abdomen may help ease the discomfort. Lycopodium is strongly indicated by a late afternoon/early evening energy dip and a sweet tooth.

Muriaticum natrum

This treatment eases the symptoms of constipation, including extremely dry stools, a craving for salt or salty foods, and low thirst.

Nux Vomica

The phrase “wants to but can’t” reminds me of Nux vomica. People who are irritable, uptight, and ambitious—those who work too hard and exercise too little, abuse alcohol or stimulants, and have a sweet or spicy food preference—will find this cure to be useful. Nux vomica is often required for constipation that is accompanied by headaches, chills, and constriction in the bowels or rectal area.


The persistence of a heavy feeling in the rectum following a bowel movement could be a sign that this treatment is necessary. Stools may be little, but they can still be tough and challenging to pass. In addition to being tired and agitated, the person frequently experiences freezing hands and feet. Exercise may help with constipation as well as mood and energy levels. When a woman experiences constipation right before or right after her menstrual cycle, sepia is frequently helpful.

Silicea, sometimes known as Silica

When this treatment is recommended, the patient tries unsuccessfully for extended periods of time. A “bashful” stool appears for a while, but then withers away. This medicine is indicated in tense and mentally acute people who are also cold, physically weak, and easily tired.


This cure is indicated by dry, hard stools, reddish anus irritation, and irritating gas. Diarrhea and constipation can also occur in succession. Individuals in need of this therapy are frequently “characters,” exhibiting slouching posture, intriguing thoughts, and little care in maintaining neatness.

Major Chelidonium

This reduces constipation symptoms such as nausea, discolored feces, and a heaviness in the right side of the abdomen.

Herbal Treatment for Constipation

Aloe vera

Properties: Aloe vera, well-known for its laxative properties, aids in the softening of stools and encourages bowel movements.
Aloe vera juice or gel can be used internally, although caution and dosage recommendations are crucial.


Properties:Laxative chemicals are present, which encourage regular bowel motions.
Senna tea or supplements; nevertheless, because of possible adverse effects, use should only be brief.

Isabgol (psyllium):

Properties: Psyllium, being high in soluble fiber, gives the stool more volume and promotes regular bowel movements.
As husk, vitamins, water mixtures, and culinary additions.


Properties: Packed in fiber, flaxseed helps ease constipation and improve digestion.
You can incorporate ground flaxseeds into smoothies, yogurt, and meals.


Properties: Ginger helps relieve constipation by stimulating the digestive system.
Fresh ginger is added to meals or as a tea.

Dandelion Tea:

Properties:Facilitates digestion and functions as a mild laxative.

Oil of peppermint

Properties: Assists in calming down the gastrointestinal tract’s muscles, and easing constipation symptoms.
Distilled peppermint oil with water or as pills.

Seeds of Fennel:

Properties: Fennel relieves constipation and has natural digestive qualities.
Brew fennel tea or chew fennel seeds.

Root Licorice:

Properties:Recognized for its capacity to support bowel regularity and moderate laxative effects.
Licorice root tea or supplements; however, because of possible adverse effects, use with caution.


Properties:Ayurvedic traditional medicine with natural laxative effects made of three fruits.
It aids in encouraging bowel motions and is available as a powder or supplement.

Traditional Chinese Medicine and Constipation

Based on fundamental imbalances, Chinese medicine classifies constipation into four types:

  1. Heat Type:Causes: The body overheats, especially in the large intestine, which causes the body to absorb fluids.
  • Symptoms: bloated stomach, dry or firm stools, dry mouth, poor breath, black urine, and flushed skin.

2-Cold Type:Symptoms: Dry or normal stools that are difficult to pass, pale skin, cold limbs, dislike to cold temperatures, and chronic stomach ache.

3-Qi Kind:Indications: Premenstrual syndrome, stomach bloating, frequent burps, and difficulty passing feces despite the need.

There might not be much of an appetite, and the tongue has a thin, white covering.

4-Type of Deficiency:Symptoms: a strong desire to empty one’s bowels, requiring a lot of work to do so.

Fatigue, dry skin, and dry hair are some of the concomitant symptoms of what may resemble tiny stones in the stool. The tongue seems pale when you look at it.

Chinese medicine offers a sophisticated method to address the underlying reasons and bring the body’s equilibrium back, viewing constipation as a mirror of internal organ imbalances.

Acupuncture Points for Constipation

Traditional Chinese medical practices like acupuncture and cupping are said to assist balance the body’s Qi (energy flow) and aid in restoring equilibrium to the digestive system among other systems.

. The following acupuncture sites are frequently used to treat constipation:

Large Intestine 4 (LI4): LI4 is thought to support bowel regularity. It is situated on the back of the hand, between the thumb and index finger.

Stomach 25 (ST25):This location is situated two inches to the side of the navel on the lower abdomen. It may have an impact on intestinal function.

Ren 6 (CV6): Ren 6 is thought to bolster the digestive system. It is located on the midline of the belly, roughly 1.5 inches below the navel.

Spleen 6 (SP6): Located around three inches above the ankle on the inside side of the lower thigh, SP6 is thought to balance the digestive system.

Abdominal Sorrow (Binao): This spot, which is around 1.5 inches lateral to the lower abdomen’s midline, is thought to ease discomfort there and encourage bowel motions.

Cupping points For Constipation

Bladder Meridian along the Spine: Applying cupping pressure along the back’s bladder meridian can help calm the body and activate the nervous system, both of which have an indirect effect on digestion.

Cupping the abdomen is believed to enhance Qi and blood flow in the abdominal region, which may facilitate digestion.

Acupressure Points For Constipation

vector illustration of the techniques of acupressure. Oriental medicine

Applying pressure to particular body locations to promote well-being and stimulate energy flow is known as acupressure. The following acupressure sites may be useful in relieving constipation:

  1. Large Intestine 4 (LI4) – He Gu: – Found in the web between the thumb and index finger on the back of the hand. Firmly press down and give both hands a two to three-minute circular massage.
  2. Stomach 36 (ST36) – Zu San Li: – Located around four finger-widths below the kneecap. For two to three minutes, press and massage this spot on both legs.
  3. Spleen 6 (SP6) – San Yin Jiao: – Situated around four finger-widths above the ankle, on the inside of the leg. For two to three minutes, apply consistent pressure and massage in a circular manner.
  4. Qi Hai: – Located two finger-widths below the navel on Conception Vessel 6 (CV6). For two to three minutes, gently massage this region in a circular motion.
  5. Abdominal Sorrow Point: – Located in the center of the abdomen, directly below the sternum. Press this area gently for two to three minutes.
  6. Da Zhu, or Governing Vessel 12 (GV12), is situated behind the seventh thoracic vertebra’s spinous process. Press on this area for two to three minutes.
  7. Governing Vessel 6 (GV6) – Ji Zhong: – Situated between the two dimples above the buttocks, at the center of the sacrum. Press gently for two to three minutes.
  8. Qu Chi, also known as Large Intestine 11 (LI11), is located near the outer edge of the elbow crease when the arm is flexed. Firmly press down and give both arms a two to three minute circular massage.

Use firm, steady pressure when applying acupressure; nevertheless, try to avoid causing pain. Before beginning any self-administered therapy, it is imperative to speak with a healthcare provider, particularly if you are pregnant or have pre-existing medical concerns. Seek medical help for a thorough evaluation and proper management if constipation worsens or persists.

Easy Steps to Combat Constipation: Lifestyle Adjustments and Dietary Tips

Constipation can be effectively managed with dietary supplements and lifestyle adjustments. The following suggestions are provided:

Life Style Modifications

1-Boost Your Exercise: Frequent exercise encourages bowel motions. On most days of the week, try to get in at least 30 minutes of moderate activity.
2-Create Consistent Bathroom Routines: Since the colon is at its most active after meals, schedule a time each day to have a bowel movement.
3-Maintain Hydration: Water is your best beverage throughout the day. Fluids soften the stool and help prevent dehydration, which can contribute to constipation.
4-Boost Your Fiber Consumption: Increase your intake of whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables—foods high in fiber—gradually. Fiber encourages regular bowel motions and gives the stool more volume.
5-Answering the Call: Don’t disregard your body’s natural impulse to have a bowel movement; instead, pay attention to it. Bowel habit regulation can be aided by regular establishment.

6-Control Your Stress: Engage in stress-reduction practices like yoga, deep breathing, and meditation. Constipation and other digestive problems can be exacerbated by stress.


1- Fiber Supplements: If you have trouble getting enough fiber from your diet, you might want to think about taking fiber supplements like methylcellulose or psyllium husk. These supplements have the potential to encourage regular bowel motions and soften the stool.

2-Probiotics:Probiotics can support the upkeep of a balanced population of gut bacteria and are included in a number of meals and supplements. This could have a favorable effect on bowel regularity.

3-Magnesium Supplements:Magnesium facilitates easier passage of feces by relaxing the muscles in the intestines. But before taking magnesium supplements, it’s imperative to speak with a healthcare provider.

4-Osmotic Laxatives:Osmotic laxatives, such lactulose or polyethylene glycol, work by drawing water into the intestines to soften and encourage bowel motions. These need to be used under a healthcare provider’s supervision.
5-Prebiotics: Prebiotics are compounds that encourage the development of good bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Prebiotic-containing foods and supplements may improve gut health in general.
6-Flaxseed or fish oil:For certain people, the omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseed or fish oil may have a slight laxative impact.
It’s important to speak with a healthcare provider before making big dietary changes or using supplements, particularly if you use medication or have pre-existing medical conditions. They can offer tailored guidance according to your particular medical requirements.


End Note:

This article is intended solely for educational purposes, providing insights into alternative approaches to managing constipation. The information presented here is derived from reliable sources, but it is crucial to recognize that individual health conditions vary. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for personalized advice tailored to your specific needs. Prioritize your well-being by seeking the expertise of a healthcare provider for a comprehensive and tailored approach to your health.

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